So how do I keep it organized?
First, you need a big binder. Make it's about to become your friend!
Next, a good grocery checklist. I realize that many people may think that this is over-board but I honestly consider it the secret to my success. I can shop for a full week of groceries in under 30 minutes WITH my kid in tow simply by using this checklist. It takes the guess work out of shopping and makes my trips super fast. My list is set up for the grocery store that I use most, Hy-Vee in Madison, WI. When I started shopping there I went into the store with a notebook and wrote things down in the order that I would find them...produce, deli, meat, dairy, frozen (the perimeter) first. Then I went through the rest of the store aisle by aisle and jotted down the regular things that I would buy. Pop in a few extra blanks and *bam* you have a fast checklist to make shopping a cinch. It takes some time to set up but it is worth every second.
How about the real thing? Download it!
Almost there! You need blank dinner pages. You will use these to jot down the quick dinners that you don't need to follow a recipe for. Even though you don't need a recipe these will act as place-holders and they are a handy reference for what you will need when you are filling out your grocery list. Mine look like this...feel free to download and make adjustments as needed.
Finally, you need a LOT of page protectors. You will have a separate page for every day that you will be cooking. I keep enough in my binder for several months.
So...once you have all of that you are ready to plan. Go get it!!!
How to put it together will follow in post 2...Monthly Menu Planning - How to put it together...