Wednesday, February 22, 2012

March Menu

The menu for March!

My challenge this month?  Fast food! My mini-me is starting 2 classes and I am back to having an evening rehearsal on Monday so finding time to really cook on 3 nights of the week will be a challenge.

1  --  Tuna Noodles
2  --  (Eat out)
3  --  (Show Choir party)
4  --  Rigatoni w/ Creamy Mushroom Sauce and Chicken*
5  --  Turkey Joes
         Mix a lb. of Ground Turkey with a can of Manwich and a can of Chicken Gumbo soup...season to taste.
6  --  Chicken Caesar Wraps
7  --  Grilled Cheese & Tomato Soup
8  --  French Toast
9  --  (Eat out)
10 -  (Family weekend in Iowa)
11 -  Popcorn & Milkshakes
12 -  Mexican Dorito Casserole*
13 -  Drip Roast Beef Sandwiches*
14 -  "Daddy Eggs"
         Dave's night to cook...scrambled eggs with milk, sausage and cheese.
15 -  Spaghetti & Meatballs
16 -  (Eat out)
17 -  Chicken Tacos
18 -  Bacon Cheeseburgers*
19 -  Slow Cooker Upside-down Chicken Pot Pie*
20 -  Fish Sticks & Rice
21 -  Marinated Flank Steak
22 -  Pancakes
23 -  (Eat Out)
24 -  Ultimeat Pasta*
25 -  Crock Pot Chicken*
26 -  Mac n Cheese Lasagna
27 -  Taco Salad
28 -  Grilled Chicken & Pineapple Quesedillas
29 -  PB&J
30 -  (Eat out)
31 -  Angel Chicken

(* new recipe for our family)

Anything without a recipe link is something that I toss together and usually pretty self-explanatory!

I am working on a post (or two!) that will go over how I plan out my menus.  Stay tuned...I hope to have them up within the next couple of days.

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