Sunday, November 25, 2012

December Menu

The Christmas Eve Pulled Pork....Yum!

The Bussan family menu for December...

I've tried to put links to recipes where I could.  Our focus these days is eating out less and keeping the variety from day to day.

So here we go!

1  -  Chicken Enchiladas*

2  -  Ultimeat Pasta

3  -  Sticky Buns, Eggs & Sausage

4  -  Tuna Noodles
(I will post the recipe in a's SO good!)

5  -  Pizza Pull*

6  -  Angel Chicken Such a good mouth is already watering!

7  -  (Eat Out)

8  -  Left Overs

9  -  Crock Pot Chicken & Dumplings*

10 -  Tacos

11 -  Pigs and Blankets
Cresent Rolls, Hot dogs and velveeta...YUM!

12 -  Hamburger Sliders*

13 -  Peanut Butter French Toast*

14 -  (Eat Out)

15 -  Mushroom-Stuffed Pork Tenderloin

16 -  Chicken (Slow Cooker)

17 -  Pizza

18 -  Garlic Chicken Puffs

19 -  Roast Beef Sandwiches

20 - Shrimp & Creamy Garlic Pasta  Along side the pasta I will sautee some shrimp in Olive Oil and garlic

21 -  (Travel to my parent's for Christmas!)

22 -  (Eat Out)

23 -  Big Eddie's Rigatoni

24 -  Christmas Eve dinner at my Grandmas!  Pulled Pork Sandwiches & Gorgonzola Salad  Gorgonzola Salad Recipe to follow!

25 -  Christmas Dinner at my mom's!

26 -  Popcorn & Milkshakes

27 -  Silver Dollar Sour Cream Pancakes*

28 -  (Eat Out)

29 -  Christmas DInner at home!  PW Meat Loaf and Mashed Potatoes Oh. Sweet. Heaven. Oh. Sweet. Heaven. Part 2.

30 -  Chicken Empanadas

31 - (Eat Out)

*indicates new recipe...  Most found on Pinterest. (Follow my boards! Some found in various magazines!

Happy eating!!!  I will be planning out January and February during my winter break.  I will post January before the new year!

Monday, October 29, 2012

November Menu

Meal planning is something that I really enjoy as long as I do it in, way in advance.  I like to plan 2 months at a time.  At a minimum I have to do one month...if I don't then life gets stressful and expensive! By planning that far in advance I can stock up on things as they go on sale and it's easier to make, and stick to, grocery lists.  I shop once per week...usually on Sunday.  We do not do a left overs night unless we have tons of them...most leftovers are taken for lunches throughout the week.

The Bussan family menu for November...

I've tried to put links to recipes where I could.  Our focus these days is eating out less and keeping the variety from day to day.

So here we go!

1  -  Biscuits and Gravy
(  I shake in a little Cayenne Pepper to give it a little zing!)
2  -  Crepes
  (Dinner & Movie pick!  We are watching Beauty and the Beast so I went with "French" food!)
(  I will fill them with bananas and them with whipped cream)

3  -  (Meeting my parents for dinner)
4  -  Marinated Flank Steak
5  -  Corn Dog Muffins
6  -  Quesedillas
7  -  Baked Potato Soup (Slow Cooker)
(  Seriously...if you try ONE new recipe this month do this one...insanely good!)
8  -  ?? (Seattle trip - mom watching Aidyn)
9  -  ?? (Seattle trip - mom watching Aidyn)
10 -  ??(Seattle trip - mom watching Aidyn)

11 -  Fish Fillets & Rice
12 -  Taco Salad
13 -  Kielbasa Bow Tie*
14 -  Chicken Cordon Bleu*
15 -  Grilled Cheese & Tomato Soup
16 -  (Aidyn's Dinner & Movie night)
17 -  Ham & Cheese Pretzel Bites*

18 -  Salisbury Steak (Slow Cooker)
(  This looks HORRIBLE.  But the taste...OMG...I don't even LIKE Salisbury steak and I love this...)
19 -  "daddy" eggs
20 - Spaghetti & Meatballs
21 -  Chicken Crescent Casserole
22 -  Thanksgiving dinner...Turkey & all the fixins!
23 -  Pizza
24 -  Sausage Pancake Bites*

25 -  Lasagna Soup*
26 -  Cupcake Pizzas*
27 -  Blender French Toast*
28 -  Caesar Pasta Bake
29 -  Beef Pot Roast (Slow Cooker)
30 -  (Dave's Dinner & Movie night)

*indicates new recipe...  Most found on Pinterest. (Follow my boards! Some found in various magazines!

Happy eating!!!  I have December completed and hope to get it up in the weeks to come.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Monthly Menu Planning - What you need...

I love menu planning.  There...I said it.  I genuinely love to plan out dinners for a month, or even two months, at a time.  It saves me a ton of time and a ton of money.  Time?  Instead of making multiple trips to the grocery store every week I just make one.  Instead of standing in front of the refrigerator and pantry trying to decide what to cook for dinner I can get right down to business.  Money?  With fewer trips to the grocery store I have less opportunity to make impulse purchases.  By only buying what is on my shopping list I am buying only the ingredients that I need and I'm not wasting food. planning ahead I can space out the "bigger" casseroles and make sure that there are plenty of "fresh" left-overs to take for lunch throughout the week.

So how do I keep it organized?

First, you need a big binder.  Make it's about to become your friend!

 Next, pocket dividers.  The number is up to you.  I like having one for every month and a few extra.  You MUST get the pocket will be using the front pocket for your menu and the back pocket for your grocery lists.

 Next, calendar blanks.  I like to use blanks and just write in the numbers.  It's faster...I can print out a bunch and keep them in a spare pocket divider at the back of the binder.

Next, a good grocery checklist.  I realize that many people may think that this is over-board but I honestly consider it the secret to my success.  I can shop for a full week of groceries in under 30 minutes WITH my kid in tow simply by using this checklist.  It takes the guess work out of shopping and makes my trips super fast.  My list is set up for the grocery store that I use most, Hy-Vee in Madison, WI.  When I started shopping there I went into the store with a notebook and wrote things down in the order that I would find them...produce, deli, meat, dairy, frozen (the perimeter) first.  Then I went through the rest of the store aisle by aisle and jotted down the regular things that I would buy.  Pop in a few extra blanks and *bam* you have a fast checklist to make shopping a cinch.  It takes some time to set up but it is worth every second.

How about the real thing?  Download it!

Almost there!  You need blank dinner pages.  You will use these to jot down the quick dinners that you don't need to follow a recipe for.  Even though you don't need a recipe these will act as place-holders and they are a handy reference for what you will need when you are filling out your grocery list.  Mine look like this...feel free to download and make adjustments as needed.

Finally, you need a LOT of page protectors.  You will have a separate page for every day that you will be cooking.  I keep enough in my binder for several months.

So...once you have all of that you are ready to plan.  Go get it!!!
How to put it together will follow in post 2...Monthly Menu Planning - How to put it together...

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

March Menu

The menu for March!

My challenge this month?  Fast food! My mini-me is starting 2 classes and I am back to having an evening rehearsal on Monday so finding time to really cook on 3 nights of the week will be a challenge.

1  --  Tuna Noodles
2  --  (Eat out)
3  --  (Show Choir party)
4  --  Rigatoni w/ Creamy Mushroom Sauce and Chicken*
5  --  Turkey Joes
         Mix a lb. of Ground Turkey with a can of Manwich and a can of Chicken Gumbo soup...season to taste.
6  --  Chicken Caesar Wraps
7  --  Grilled Cheese & Tomato Soup
8  --  French Toast
9  --  (Eat out)
10 -  (Family weekend in Iowa)
11 -  Popcorn & Milkshakes
12 -  Mexican Dorito Casserole*
13 -  Drip Roast Beef Sandwiches*
14 -  "Daddy Eggs"
         Dave's night to cook...scrambled eggs with milk, sausage and cheese.
15 -  Spaghetti & Meatballs
16 -  (Eat out)
17 -  Chicken Tacos
18 -  Bacon Cheeseburgers*
19 -  Slow Cooker Upside-down Chicken Pot Pie*
20 -  Fish Sticks & Rice
21 -  Marinated Flank Steak
22 -  Pancakes
23 -  (Eat Out)
24 -  Ultimeat Pasta*
25 -  Crock Pot Chicken*
26 -  Mac n Cheese Lasagna
27 -  Taco Salad
28 -  Grilled Chicken & Pineapple Quesedillas
29 -  PB&J
30 -  (Eat out)
31 -  Angel Chicken

(* new recipe for our family)

Anything without a recipe link is something that I toss together and usually pretty self-explanatory!

I am working on a post (or two!) that will go over how I plan out my menus.  Stay tuned...I hope to have them up within the next couple of days.