January 2013 Menu
Sorry I'm late! I didn't get this done until a few days ago...Winter break flew by and I just ran out of time! Seems like there is never enough, is there? You may notice that we have gone back to eating out on Friday nights. I know that we shouldn't and I know that we would save a decent chunk of change if we didn't...but I'm so tired on Friday nights after a long week and the last thing I want to do is cook. So...we will go out but keep things on the cheap-side...I see lots of Costco hot dogs in our future! And this we will will do our grocery shopping for the weekend and next week while we are out and about.
Anyway...here is what will be prepped and consumed in the Bussan house this month! I usually add a side of veggies with every meal and fruit for dessert. I hope you find something on here for your family!
Again...I try to put links to recipes where I can. I finally figured out bit.ly so all the links look weird and short but will get you to the recipes.
I have shopped on Sunday afternoons in the past but I am going to try to shop on Friday nights this month. The problem with Sunday's is that I tend to make bigger meals and use the slow Cooker on the weekends and I never remember to get the ingredients before the start of the weekend and I hate shopping on Sunday for the following weekends because then the ingredients aren't as fresh. I know, first-world problem, right?
1 - Pulled Pork (and Mac n Cheese) (link: http://bit.ly/RAuBlE )
Left-overs from Christmas...YUM!
3 - Shrimp (and Cheese Tortellini)
4 - (Eat out)
5 - Pizza (my mom bought Pizza Hut for the game...Thanks Mom!!!)
6 - Grilled Pork Chops w/ Pineapple glaze (link: http://bit.ly/UxRYyN )
7 - Silver Dollar Sour Cream Pancakes (link: http://bit.ly/XctAjb )
8 - Marinated Flank Steak (link: http://jcp.is/XcuxIm )
9 - Tacos
10 - Baked Potato Soup (link: http://bit.ly/Zu9kO7 )
11 - (Eat out)
12 - Crock Pot Chicken & Dumplings (link: http://bit.ly/ZcYHuc )
13 - Homemade Pizza
14 - Biscuits & Gravy (link: http://bit.ly/WmHBbu )
15 - Salmon
16 - Omelets
17 - Pizzeria Burgers (link: http://bit.ly/VIH9W8 )
18 - (Eat out)
19 - Ham & Cheese Pretzel Bites (link: http://bit.ly/UxOXhP )
20 - Inside out Bacon Cheese Burgers (link: http://bit.ly/Vv6mn2 )
21 - Lasagna Soup (link: http://bit.ly/106CNiD )
22 - Easy Chicken Cordon Bleu (link: http://bit.ly/ZcZdbP )
23 - Taco Bake (link: http://bit.ly/VMMqv7 )
24 - Grilled Cheese & Tomato Soup
25 - (Eat out)
26 - Crock Pot Whole Chicken (link: http://bit.ly/106CpAy )
27 - Mushroom Stuffed Pork Tenderloin (link: http://bit.ly/1169dZE )
28 - Peanut Butter Stuffed French Toast (link: http://bit.ly/Vv31EA )
29 - Empanadas (link: http://bit.ly/VEfyrz )
30 - Fish Sticks
31 - Italian Pot Roast (I will post this recipe soon. I've looked all over the web for it and I can't find it anywhere!)
Happy Cooking!!!
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